Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Central Coast Zip! Trip - part I

The day started in Portland, cold, foggy, rainy, gloomy. Typical Portland winter stuff.

By 8am, the car was packed and we were on the road, destination half known. (I knew exactly where they were headed, D did not.) This was my first time planning a Zip! Trip and it was hard to pack up blankets and a cooler without D getting the idea that overnight lodging was probably not at a 5 star resort with full accommodations like breakfast. Or bedding.

The first leg of the trip was to head down to Eugene, about 110 miles south on I-5. As we drove south, the rain let up, then the fog cleared, and eventually the clouds lifted to expose a beautifully sunny day. Typical Oregon winter stuff.

Once we arrived in Eugene, we stopped for breakfast at IHOP. Surprise! Several members of my family were there, waiting for us to show up, anxious to meet D for the first time. 

D and my dad talked shop for a bit (both are computer geeks) and we all had a good time and great breakfast. When it was time to hit the road, Dad lent us his binoculars and pointed out the best way to get on the Beltline heading west. 

Fast forward through the forest, over the mountains, through the city of Florence, and up to a pullout just north of town near Berry Creek. 

At 12:15pm, we're heading north on highway 101 and stop at this viewpoint just south of Cape Rock. We saw a ship on the horizon and what we thought were seals, but may have been kelp.
At first we thought these were sea lions, but now think they were just kelp.
A beautiful sunny day on the central coast of Oregon
Guess what we're laughing at -
D is taking a picture of P, who is taking a picture of him
Here is P, taking that picture of D as he takes a picture of both of them.

D and P are both big dorks.

and proud of it

Next post - Cape Perpetua!

by P

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