Thursday, May 5, 2016

Daytrip to the coast, part 4 - Boiler Bay

As we left Newport and headed north to Lincoln City, our plan was to NOT have a plan.
Where did we want to stop?
Wherever looked good.

Ooh, we picked a good one: Boiler Bay.

This location has an interesting past. In 1910, a schooner called the J. Marhoffer, caught fire off the coast in the area. The ship was stuck going full steam ahead as it burned, and the only thing the crew could do was point it at land and then abandoned ship. When it struck the cliffs in this bay, it exploded and the ship's boiler landed in the bay. The boiler is visible at very low tide.
(For more information, read here.)

Sadly, the tide wasn't low enough for us to get a glimpse of the boiler, but the crashing waves of the incoming tide were fun to watch.

These pictures are shared with you in order as you'd see it in person, from south to north. Boiler Bay State Wayside is on a little cape (piece of land that juts out toward the ocean) and a fence encourages us silly humans to not do stupidly dangerous things walk out to the unstable edge of the rocks and fall into the churning sea.

This first picture is looking south towards Depoe Bay.

Take a close look at this next picture. Can you see where the lava rock cooled next to the sandstone? This kind of geological science geekery fascinates me.

This picture is looking north toward Lincoln City. The day was incredibly sunny with beautiful blue skies. It was also so windy that it was hard not to be pushed around as we walked around the fence line. And then the wind picked up.

It's exciting to watch the waves crashing against the rocks.

Apparently, this is the area where the boiler sits on the ocean floor. I'd love to stop by during low tide to see if I can see it. I've heard the boiler is even visible while driving past this area on Hwy 101.

If you look in the upper left corner of this picture, you can see a white pickup truck driving north on the highway.

D and I both saw the waterfall at the same time. What a gorgeous area.

While here we paused for a quick picnic lunch. It was noted that the many picnic tables in the area were unsuitable for dining, so we ate in the car. When D got out of the car to throw something away, dozens of seagulls swarmed around him, waiting for him to share his food with them.
Little winged rats.

I wish I had gotten a picture of that!

by P

If you missed the other posts from this daytrip, click on a picture below to see more.

Bayfront Bayfront Stroll

Working Port Boiler Bay

Taft District Wildlife


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